Powered by The Plant Based Nutritionista™ x iEatMorePlants®

Farm "Box" Share

 Small Share

 Medium Share

Large Share

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Question. I didn’t make it to church, how can I pick up my share?

Ans. There are three options available to CSA participants when a farm share cannot be picked up on time: 

2) Question. What time can we pick up our farm share on Sundays?

Ans. Farm share pick up begins AFTER the benediction and ends promptly at 12:30pm EST. Please prioritize picking up your share at the conclusion of worship.

3) Question. I missed picking up my share last week, can I double up?

Ans. No. Please make every effort to pick up your farm share or designate an alternate person to pick it up for you. If you would like an alternate person to pick up for you, please send an email according ot FAQ 1.

4) Question. The church service usually runs long on first Sundays or sometimes it does not end on time, will there be enough time to pick up our shares?

Ans. Yes. We recognize that the program is subject to change due to a move of Holy Spirit and/or that the worship experience is extended on first Sundays. Farm share pick will begin after the benediction and end no later than 12:30pm, please prioritize picking up your farm share.

5) Question. I need assistance with getting my farm share to my car. Can you help?

Ans. Yes. We have volunteers ready to assist you with putting your farm share into your vehicle. Kindly bring your car to the farm share pick up area and indicate you need assistance after picking up your share.

6) Question. Will I need to show my ID every Sunday? Why?

Ans. Yes. Every CSA member and/or their designated pick up person must show ID every Sunday. It is important that we maintain the integrity of the EBC CSA program and that we ensure YOU or your alternate obtain the farm share that you purchased.

7) Question. I want to join the CSA program, how do I sign up?

Ans. We are thrilled that you are interested in participating in this year’s CSA program. The CSA sign-up window was February 2024 - April 2024 ending on Creation Care Sunday 2024.  If you are interested in joining the next CSA, email your name and we will add you to the list in preparation for the next CSA program.

8) Question. I received a food item that didn’t seem fresh, what do I do?

Ans. Feedback is a gift and your satisfaction is our priority. Bread & Butter Farms stands by their certified organic produce. Kindly email your observations and concerns and a supporting photo (if applicable) for resolution. 

9) Question. Does my farm subscription come with recipes?

Ans. No. The farm subscription program fee covers the cost of your farm share. However, The Plant Based Nutritionista™ provides Food as Medicine recipe highlights and tips most weeks to CSA members.

10) Question. Where can I find The Plant Based Nutritionista™ Food as Medicine recipes, tips, and other information?

Ans. Great question.  Visit: www.iEatMorePlants.com/ebc-csa.  You may also join the iEatMorePlants® WhatsApp community for first access to The Plant Based Nutritionista™’s convenient food as medicine recipes, videos, and other information.

11) Question. Do you offer cooking classes?

Ans. Yes. The Plant Based Nutritionista™ offers a 6-week Food as Medicine Everyday workshop at cost. Learn more and sign up on iEatMorePlants.com website and click on Food as Medicine Everyday.

12) Question. What is the CSA refund policy?

Ans. No refund. CSA participation is paid in advance and the money is used to buy seed, prepare the ground, and everything else that goes into growing your share of food for the upcoming CSA season. Review CSA policies on Bread and Butter Farms website.

13) Question. This program sounds exciting, how do I get involved?

Ans. We are glad you are excited and want to be involved. Email to share your interest and we will set up a time to speak with you to learn best where you might fit in support of the CSA program.

14) Question. What kind of fruits and vegetables will come in my farm share?

Ans. Each week you can look forward to a wide variety of fruits such as pears, peaches, plums, persimmons, figs, melons, as well as mushrooms, and an assortment of vegetables including collards, kale, chard, turnips, mustard greens, corn, eggplant, radish, beets, onions, sweet potatoes, and so much more!